On this page you can now join the English Premium Course! The German version is 249€ and the MQL4 course market leader in Germany!
$249 - for a whole year! Get a $20 discount for the yearly payment option!
The debiting will be done by Digistore24.com
What exactly do I get?
You will get 52 study letters via email. In the first study letter you will receive a simple automated system you can trade on your demo account – right away. In each study letter you will learn something about a particular topic, for example how to trade an entry (like RSI, MacD, Bollinger Bands). You will measure results by backtesting strategies and you will need to solve riddles (for example what happens if you trade the opposite entry) and there will be assignments (like trade 5 currency pairs for one year with three different entries). You will learn about things you never heard of (like using the equity stop instead of a position based stop). And within the first 20 weeks you will know what works best for you – and why it works! Your own findings based on your own experience will help you to improve your trading system step by step. And that will give you the necessary trust in your trading system to trade automatically, 24/7 on up to 22 currency pairs – without the need to sit in front of your computer and stare at the charts…
52 study letters
Get your weekly study letter for a whole year!
Full money back guarantee!
Money Back Guarantee for 60 days!
Code Examples and predefined modules
Tons of stuff you can reuse for your own trading system!
What can I do with it?
What can I do with it? The Halloween Golden Goose System was traded with real money from 30.10.2015 to 03.03.2016 and made € 1830 net profit, that is 17,92 %
Golden Goose Halloween is the trading system we create in study letter 52!

Why should I believe you?
Don’t believe me! Believe in what you see yourself !
You can check out my Account on FXBLUE.COM
Can everybody do it?
No, definitely not! Most people do not have the patience it takes. They are not willing to put in all the effort, the money and the time it takes to learn MQL4.
Most people prefer to buy some “wonder robot”, take “broker bonuses” and ground their complete account within 6 months.
80 percent of all traders fail and pay the 20 percent that succeed – because they don’t want to do what it takes.
They went to school and it took them years to learn how to read or write, but they think profitable trading can be done within a week – without any losses.
If you are in that stage, don’t buy now. Wait until you have completely grounded your first trading account.
You will learn a lot from that experience…
But if you understand that trading is not gambling, but a numbers game where your old netbook can trade up to 22 currency pairs, exactly according to your own trading rules, 24/7 while you work, eat, sleep or enjoy free time this might be for you…
$249 - for a whole year! Get a $20 discount for the yearly payment option!
The debiting will be done by Digistore24.com
Where should I start?
Start with a demo account. I use RoboForex because they do support any kind of automated trading robot for MQL4 or MQL5 and the demo account will never run out. And they have Cent accounts and Swap Free accounts.
Do lots of backtesting. If you don’t know what backtesting is, it is a way to do thousands of trades within minutes.