Our new documentation series on setting up your own Algo Trading System Farm is now available for viewing.
We leverage automated voices and technology to assist you in improving your outcomes more quickly and with less work than ever before.
Let’s get this project started!
As of today, we will begin putting up our infrastructure, with the goal of having a fully functional automated trading system farm by the completion of this course.
It will take some time until then since I will not be able to offer knowledge on this issue on a daily basis until then.
There are a variety of factors contributing to this.
The first reason is the present pretty difficult political environment in my neighborhood, which is the first of two reasons.
The second difficulty is that we are dealing with certain health difficulties at the moment.
For example, we are now dealing with a scenario in which my father has had a stroke and hemiplegia and has been placed in an institution.
The third issue is one that has to do with economics.
In order for the bottom line to cover net demands and expenses, we must, as an economically focused organization, complete certain tasks in a certain sequence.
In simpler terms, this indicates that the project will be finished incrementally, but we are unable to predict how quickly or slowly the improvement will go at this time because of the identified factors and situations.
The vast majority of viewers will most likely already have an operating system that they want to keep using.
In our situation, however, we will be utilizing a netbook that is ten years old and installing the software that we now believe to be the ideal alternative for individuals who have not yet decided on an operating system as their only choice for computing.
MX Linux is a Linux distribution based on Debian that is used to run this software.
Within the past few months, MX Linux has risen to the top of the list of the most popular Linux distributions, surpassing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Because, to put it simply, this software allows you to do numerous tasks that would otherwise be impossible to accomplish with other Linux distributions, which is a significant advantage.
Numerous features are operational immediately after the first installation, and the hardware is recognized really well, even if the devices are more than ten years old.
Furthermore, MX Linux is capable of running a highly contemporary and up-to-date version of Linux on a small number of resources, without the need to deal with any command line commands throughout the day.
In simpler words, this implies that anybody who wants to use MX Linux will be able to take benefit of the best of both worlds while still being able to utilize a high-performance and simple-to-use operating system without having to pay licensing costs.
We have experimented with various different Linux variants for our own firm over the past several years, and the majority of the time you reach a point where you are unable to continue.
In this scenario, it is pretty simple to put into action, and you do not need any specialized understanding.
Furthermore, there are so many useful articles available on the internet for MX Linux that even complete novices should be able to manage it better than they would with Windows.
The interface and look may be totally customized to meet your specific needs, so that even if you are using a MacBook, you will get the impression that you are using a cutting-edge Apple system.
However, for us, this isn’t really significant.
We value support for hardware that has been released within the previous 10 years considerably more than anything else, and this includes the now 12-year-old netbook that we use for this purpose.
You should be able to follow along with each and every step with ease.
This documentation series may seem to be a little lengthy for some persons who are already acquainted with the Linux operating system.
However, many people had never heard of Linux before and may have been prepared to pay the licensing costs for a single operating system in the past if they had been introduced to it.
We accomplished the same thing, however Linux provides us with a significant competitive edge in our server farm.
Because we can utilize contemporary technologies to cost-effectively operate even old hardware without having to pay extra licensing fees, we will be able to extend our server farm to 50 or 100 servers in the future without incurring further costs.
It is possible that some viewers may not find this very intriguing at this time, but I can assure you that in the next few years, you will see that precisely such techniques will make the difference between excellent and terrible trading outcomes.
In the past, technology that provided a significant competitive edge was out of reach for most people.
This is something that you can modify for yourself and your own Algo Trading System Farm now.
As a result, please download the most recent version of MX Linux for 64-bit systems, which includes the desktop solution Fluxbox.
That’s all there is to it for today.
If you are considering setting up your own Algo Trading Server Farm, we recommend that you subscribe to our YouTube channel.
If you want to see quicker and better results, we recommend that you look at our premium course on our website.
Alternatively, you may send us an email if you have any concerns or recommendations concerning the content of this video.
We always respond personally and within 24 hours, if not sooner.
For now, we’d like to thank you for your time and look forward to seeing you in the next video!